Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Under the guidance of highly qualified doctors, we carry out comprehensive treatment of cervical osteochondrosis. As part of the treatment, we select the appropriate form of therapy and give recommendations on nutrition, exercise and lifestyle.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical region: causes of manifestation

Competent treatment of cervical osteochondrosis in Minsk provides a comprehensive diagnosis of the patient, which allows the doctor to determine the cause of the development of the pathology. Finding out what caused the disease, you can prescribe an effective therapeutic course with the elimination of all existing violations.

The main causes of osteochondrosis in the neck area are:

  • frequent tossing of the head (due to occupation or performing a job);
  • incorrect posture (with a sedentary lifestyle);
  • metabolic disease;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • intense sport;
  • Diseases and abnormalities in the development of the spine.

Most often, the disease affects people of old age, with hereditary factors or bad habits. Also at risk are patients who lead a sedentary lifestyle, are overweight, or are regularly subjected to excessive physical activity.

Features of the course and treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

The neck is one of the most stressed parts of the body. Under the influence of prolonged static loads, the intervertebral discs are destroyed. This leads to their thinning and deterioration in depreciation properties - osteochondrosis. The disease manifests itself:

  • Pain and crunching in the neck when bending and turning the head;
  • constant tension and stiffness of the neck and shoulder muscles;
  • coordination disorders;
  • ringing in the ears;
  • Headache.
  • deterioration of hearing, visual functions;
  • Pain in the back and neck, as well as with high loads - an increase in pain intensity;
  • circulatory disorders leading to numbness in shoulders, arms and legs, burning sensation in the chest;
  • false pain in the region of the heart;
  • dizziness, sometimes - fainting;
  • the appearance of a crunch when moving the head.
The modern clinic offers comprehensive treatment of the disease, the basis of which is manual therapy. This method allows you to consistently eliminate existing violations, since they affect the causes of their occurrence. Thanks to the course of the sessions, it is possible to restore normal joint mobility, reduce pain, eliminate associated symptoms and nerve compression, and avoid complications.
Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis

To increase efficiency, the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine by a chiropractor is supplemented with the following procedures:

  • Spinal traction - normalizes the distance between the vertebrae, which allows you to release the restrained nerve roots and increase the range of motion in the affected joints;
  • therapeutic massage - relaxes spasmodic muscles, increases the tone of relaxed muscles, activates blood circulation in the affected area, which improves the nutrition of cartilage tissue and helps to accelerate the regeneration of damaged intervertebral discs;
  • Reflexology - acting on acupuncture points, quickly relieves pain in the neck and head, increases blood circulation and tissue trophism.
  • Exercise therapy is a set of therapeutic exercises aimed at eliminating pain, improving mobility of the spine and forming a strong muscular corset.

Features of manual therapy for cervical osteochondrosis

The procedure involves the use of various methods, the main of which are:

  • Manipulation - involves precise movements aimed at "reducing" the vertebrae and restoring the normal anatomy of the cervical region;
  • mobilization - allows you to increase the mobility of the affected joints and eliminate spasms;
  • Post isometric relaxation (PIR) is the most gentle technique that allows for gentle relaxation, elimination of pain and normalization of muscle tone.
Manual therapy of cervical osteochondrosis

In the first session, the attending physician conducts manual diagnostics by palpation, evaluates the results of the studies (neurological diagnostics, MRI, etc. ), which allows not only to determine the most effective methods of exposure, but also to identify contraindications.

This is a very important point, since not only improper exposure, but also ignoring associated disorders can lead to serious complications. Therefore, the qualifications and experience of specialists in this field directly affect the result and effectiveness of treatment.

Prevention of cervical osteochondrosis

Of great importance in the prevention of osteochondrosis is their prevention. If preventive measures are observed, the development of pathology and the appearance of such complications as diseases of the heart, kidneys and digestive organs can be avoided. To prevent the problem, you should control your weight, exercise moderately and avoid hypothermia. On long rides, you need to use a neck pillow that reduces muscle tension.

If osteochondrosis has already appeared, you can minimize its development with the following measures:

  • balanced nutrition;
  • regular warm-up exercises with a sedentary lifestyle;
  • wearing orthopedically correct shoes;
  • even posture of the back with a relaxed shoulder girdle;
  • Sleep on an orthopedic mattress without high pillows;
  • walk barefoot in summer.

In addition, you should do therapeutic exercises that will help support the muscles and eliminate discomfort. In a modern center you can undergo exercise therapy under the guidance of qualified specialists.

Modern centers provide comprehensive treatment of the disease, the support of qualified doctors with extensive practical experience, as well as a full range of medical procedures using modern high-quality equipment. They guarantee high efficiency of the therapy and full support of the patient in all phases of the treatment. Take care of your health now - then you have a high chance of recovery.